The Last Page: PS From Paris

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I recently posted about my year-long reading challenge in my post, New Year Plans and just finished up the first book, P.S. From Paris by Marc Levy. As promised, I will share a quick review of this book. This is an honest review and my own opinion, and I am not being compensated for my comments … unless you click on the link to buy the book! Then I receive a small amount of money as an Amazon affiliate! (Admittedly a selfish plug, as on of my plans this year is to fulfill the requirements to get my affiliate up and going – just need some clicks from you to do so!) Thanks so much if you choose to help me out! : )

So without further ado my review of P.S. From Paris. This book was a super quick, light-hearted read, which I really enjoyed. So much so, that I really didn’t want to put the book down. That is a problem that I have when reading books. If I get sucked into a book, I find that I don’t want to stop reading! Even if it is 3 a.m. and I know that I need to get at least a few hours of sleep before work! Not that I have ever done that or anything. Just sayin’.

Now that is not to say that this book had me on the edge of my seat and was a cliffhanger, it was not. But I really enjoyed the characters of this book and the overall plot of the story. The plot seemed so modern and fresh, yet not too over the top either where you are rolling your eyes! I actually found that the book was actually very relatable. Yes, I am one of those people that totally crazy things happen to and when you hear me talk about them you think I actually made stuff up. Nope. It is just my luck, both good and bad!

Almost from the beginning of the book, you knew where the plot was taking you. The storyline was done in such a way that you wanted to see how you would arrive at their final destination. You wanted to see how Levey was going to pull it all together while not crossing the cheesy line. There were a couple of surprises along the way throughout the book that I didn’t see coming at all. And they were very nicely done, well concealed and added interest to the storyline. That is what kept me turning the pages.

I this is the first book that I have read by Marc Levy’s, and I certainly would add him to my list of authors that I would read again. This would have made a nice beach week read, although I think it only took me two days to finish. I thought it was that good and would recommend it!

My next book on the shelf to read is, A Man Called Ove by Frederik Backman. This book has been passed around my office, and the condition that I received it in is just terrible. Literally, one section is falling out and no longer attached to the binding. It is that bad. This tells me that it is a good book and that several before me have enjoyed the glory of its pages, so I am definitely looking forward to this one – despite not knowing anything about it! I usually am a e-reader gal, but having an actual book (falling apart or not) was actually very nice this time. I signed up for Audible about a year ago and love listening to books as well. It allows me to do other things (work, workout, cook dinner) while listening to a book. I do find that I don’t get as engaged in the books this way. Except for the Harry Potter book series – OMG y’all I know I am the last person on the planet to discover these books but I totally fell in love with them last year! I highly recommend them!

If you are interested in any of the books I will be reading this year, you might check out my original post a few weeks back, New Year Plans. I look forward to you joining me on this literary journey in 2018! If you want to pick up a copy of P.S. From Paris or A Man Called Ove to read along with me I would love to have you join our little book club here at Simple Southern Life!